“«The Light of Christ lights for us all»”
“Drug Addiction ‒ a Sin against Human Nature and the Mission of the Church in the Current World”
“The Theotokia (Theotokos) of the Mother of God According to the Romanian Inscriptions between the 4th and 13th Centuries”
“The Power of the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ in the Prayer of the Heart”
“The Life and Works of Saint Nicholas Kabasilas”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
„Festivalul – Concurs Național de Muzică Bisericească «Lăudați pe Domnul!» – Ediția a XIV-a, 2022 (II)”
“The Harmonic Choir Tradition in Romania between the 19th and 21st Centuries (I)”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Jerome, “Epistle CVII. To Laeta, on the education of her daughter”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“Prayer as a Mirror of Monastic Culture in Byzantine Palestine: The Letters of the Hesychast Euthymius to Barsanuphius”
In memoriam
„Bogdan-Chiril Cândea (1958-2023) ‒ un ostenitor dedicat al Revistei Ortodoxia”
Notes on books and journals
„Răzvan Mihai Clipici, Istoria Sfintei Cuvioase Teofana Basarab, Ed. Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă, București, 2022, 87 pp.”
„Diac. Dr. Mihai-Iulian Grobnicu, Pnevmatologia Sfântului Simeon Noul Teolog. O analiză dogmatică actuală, Ed. Cuvântul Vieții, București, 2021, 386 pp.”
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