Contributions are received at the e-mail address of the redactional board – redactia[at] – with the kind request of adding a few keywords and a short abstract in Romanian, also providing a summary in English at the end of the study. We would also like to have a brief presentation of the author, where one should mention the academic position or title, city of residence, the last published study or book and the contact e-mail address.
Compliance with the following general criteria of excellence can increase the chances of submissions' acceptance for publication:
- The material offers a new perspective on the subject, the reader discovering new ideas and starting points for deepening the topic;
- The concordance between the title, keywords and abstract encourages and supports the lecture, convincing the audience on the relevance of the proposed thesis;
- The logical structure of the text and the methods used show that the premises from which the research started truthfully support the conclusions, bringing an original contribution to the field;
- The results of the study encourage the establishment of new interdisciplinary, interconfessional and intercultural dialogue bridges, offering the possibility of further development of secondary or insufficiently clarified aspects;
- The setting in the wider context and the links of the theme with contemporary issues are clearly formulated, indicating both the good knowledge of the discipline and the actuality of the approach;
- The article is written in an intelligible, rigorous and honest manner, respecting the rules of composition and the redactional guidelines.
Simultaneous fulfillment of these requirements is recommended; every paper sent to Ortodoxia Journal must comply with the principles of preparing an academic-level work.
Manuscripts that are incomplete, plagiarized, incoherent, deficient in argumentation or outside the profile of the journal, as well as those lacking topicality and/or relevance will be rejected by the editorial board before being submitted to the review process.
Regarding the structure of the article, it is recommended to follow the classic composition structure; thus, the introduction containing the motivation, the setting in the general context and the presentation of the research premises and methodology should not exceed a quarter of the article's length. The contents will present the coordinates of the study (organized in subchapters or clearly delimited paragraphs), accompanied by a logically structured argumentation, also respecting the ethical rules and the principles of academic integrity. Concisely written conclusions will indicate the answers found during the research, as well as the aspects for which further analysis is required. The reader has to be convinced of the actuality and relevance of the time allocated for the effort put into studying the subject; after reading the paper, one should be able to easily understand what are the limits or difficulties that prevent the resolution of certain ambiguities regarding the treated subject.
We highlight that the authors of the studies and articles published in Ortodoxia Journal assume entirely their responsibility for the originality of the materials, for which it is necessary to fill out the form below. Also, the signatories of the contributions are asked to propose new, previously unpublished studies, and to mention every time if the same papers will be published later in other journals, collective volumes or books.
➽ Descarcă formular declarație de onestitate (PDF) / ➽ Download declaration of honesty form (PDF)
We emphasize the fact that the "Ortodoxia" Journal of the Romanian Patriarchate DOES NOT charge fees for accepting, publishing (in physical or online format) and processing contributions sent to the editorial office.
At the same time, we mention that the Journal DOES NOT carry out rapid reviews at the request of the authors, in order to evaluate the eligibility of the materials proposed for publication.
By including the materials in the "Ortodoxia" Journal, the Publishing House of the Orthodox Biblical and Mission Institute does not oblige itself to pay any financial royalties. Every contributor shall receive a copy of the issue in which their texts appeared.
Redactional guidelines
In the process of writing papers for the Ortodoxia journal, the rules of the Publishing Houses of the Romanian Patriarchate and the Studii Teologice journal are followed, which are specified in the document displayed below.