Nicușor Deciu – Editor in chief
Has a master degree from the Faculty of Theology of Salonica (2003). Highschool teacher at „Gheorghe Lazăr” college from Bucharest (1999-2001). Employee of the Publishing House of the Biblical and Orthodox Mission Institute since 2008 and editor in chief of the Ortodoxia journal since 2009. He is also a prolific translator of ancient and modern Greek. Among his best known works are: Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, vol. 2, of prof. Nikos Matsoukas, Bizantina, 2006; Saint Simeone of Salonica, Explanation of the divine Creed of the orthodox faith, IBMO, 2010; Prof. Hrisostom Stamoulis, The beauty of the holiness, Basilica, 2011, etc. In 2021 he published a volume: În fața provocărilor secularismului. O radiografie a schimbării mentalităților în societatea contemporană, Trinitas, 2021. He has published papers and translations in other journals, as well as interviews. He is also the author of over 250 articles in the daily newspaper Lumina and the weekly Lumina de Duminică of the Romanian Patriarchate.
Contact: nicusor.deciu[at]
PhD. Ionuț-Daniel Barbu – Editorial secretary
He studied at the Moscow Theological Academy (2011-2015), where he defended his doctoral thesis Reception of the life and teaching of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the tradition of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Since 2019, he is an editor in the publishing houses of the Romanian Patriarchate. He has published reviews, articles, studies and translations in central church magazines and in volumes such as: Şerba Vodă - Bellu cemetery from our capital city – Graves of clerics and other church and national personalities, Basilica, 2022; Holy Hierarchs, Martyrs and Pious from Russian Orthodoxy (introd., notes and trans. from Russian), IBMO, 2019, or Founder and philanthropist Iorgu Dumitrescu, supporter of the mission of the Romanian Orthodox Church at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, Archdiocese of Târgoviște Publishing House, 2018. He is also a gifted contributor to the publications Lumina and Lumina de Duminică.
Contact: ionut.barbu[at]
PhD. student Andrei Țipa – Executive editor; web-site administrator
Graduate of the Orthodox Theological Seminary (2016) and the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest, Pastoral Theology programme (2020) and master's degree "Christian Doctrine and Culture" (2023). Since 2021, he has been an editor and proofreader in the publishing houses of the Romanian Patriarchate. Starting from 2018, he carried out an extensive cultural activity within the Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Studies and Dialogue of the University of Bucharest, editing the volume Truth, Testimony, Dialogue. In memoriam Rev. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Achimescu, Doxologia/Cuvântul vieții, 2022. Starting from 2023, he is a PhD student at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest.
Contact: andrei.tipa[at]