Author: Rev. prof. Dumitru Stăniloae (Member of the Romanian Academy)
Keywords: matter, rationality, conscience, person, world, light, Logos
Modern science proved the rational organization of matter. Gone is the ancient vision on the atoms, which are no longer perceived as amorph pieces with no internal organisation, but as active units, composed of other subordinated units and part of a system of mutual relations. Simultaneously, being manifested through the plasticity of the senses, the rationality must have its cause in the power of a superior person; on the hand, because only a person can be rational, and on the other hand, because it is always new in its rationality. The Fathers of the Church have been proven right in their statement that the place of origin for all objects consists of a system of preexisting rationalities, that are included within the supreme Person, the Word of God. These rationalities become manifest not only in the stable and complex organisation of the material world, but also in their infinite and variated expressions since each thing has a different meaning. The objects (and persons) are the rationalities of the One Person that created all of them. The rationalities of objects, which organise all matter, are superior to the objects themselves, since the later are not formed by an accidental gathering of their composing elements. The existence of the human person proves that the system of the objects’ rationalities is not objective, nor impersonal, but rather the rationalities are carried by a subject which that contains freedom within itself and, as supreme Subject, is both the source and basis of the rationality for all material order (taxonomy), either for objects or for persons. The world exists within the divine Word both directly and through man, just as the Word manifests his presence both directly and through man, and man lives both in the world and through the Word of God. Unlike the Word, man can not be a creator of the world, but he can receive the world within him or in an ontological relationship. Moreover, he is invested with the power to lead the world towards a much closer union with him and the divine Logos, in synergy with Him. Therefore, the divine Word also leads the world towards Himself, through the relationship between Him and man. Man was already a potency of the Word (Logos) at the beginning of the creation, since the whole world was created by Him for man, explicitly for the dialogue and collaboration between God and man, so that the later would find God through the whole world. Given His supreme conscience concerning all meanings, the person of the divine Word is the most enlightened of all realities. He is the source of light for al the meanings and self-knowledge, as well as for all visible and spiritual beauty. If everyone’s reality is justified by the person, by realizing their meanings, then the person of the Word all the more justifies everyone’s existence. This explains why the light is at the centre of the Orthodox cult and spirituality. And the person of the Word represents the very source of this light.
(Speech held on the occasion of receiving the title of doctor honoris causa from the University Aristotle of Salonica in 1976 - Translation from katharevousa Greek by Nicușor Deciu)
Pages: 12-24