The beginnings of the "Ortodoxia" journal of the Romanian Patriarchate are bound to a series of academic conferences organized at the Dalles Hall of the Romanian Academy, by professors of the Faculty of Theology in Bucharest, presided by His Beatitude Nicodim Munteanu, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The profile of the magazine was shaped by the lectures of bright academics who addressed different topics on Orthodoxy: Nichifor Crainic, "The Ecumenical Spirit"; Ioan Gh. Savin, "What is Orthodoxy?"; Gala Galaction, "Orthodox Monasticism", Archim. Iuliu Scriban, "Romanian Orthodox Mission across the Dniester", V. G. Ispir, "Religious sects, a national and social danger"; Lazăr Iacob, "State and Church"; Teodor M. Popescu, "Vitality of the Orthodox Church". These conferences were held during the Great Lent in 1942 and 1943, in particularly difficult time of the Second World War, and were addressed to a distinguished audience of hierarchs, university professors, priests, officers, journalists and young students. "Even if the armed war comes to an end, the battle of ideas will continue. [...] Romanian Orthodoxy feels the call of a high mission in the European East", Professor Șerban Ionescu, dean of the Faculty of Theology at the time, said in the introductory word of the first volume of the "Ortodoxia" publication (1942).
The second stage in the crystallization of the publication of our journal corresponds to the printing of the first periodical issue ("Ortodoxia", Romanian Patriarchal Magazine, Year I, Number 1, January-March 1949), under the presidency of the worthy Patriarch Justinian Marina. The Rector of the Theological Institute from Bucharest coordinated the magazine, together with professors Teodor M. Popescu, Rev. Ioan G. Coman, Rev. Dumitru Stăniloae and Rev. Olimp Căciulă, who formed the first editorial board and offered academic holding to the ecclesiastical publication through their professional competence.
In his inaugural address to the new periodical journal, the Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church reiterated the efforts of his predecessors, stating that "Orthodoxy strives to be the banner of our dreams - of the custodians of the sacred treasure left by the Saviour - to see the Orthodox Churches united in a solidary front, giving testimony to the ecumenical unity of the righteous Christianity by eloquent deeds. [...] So, "Orthodoxia" journal is such a proof of this endeavour".
In over seven decades of editorial-theological activity (1949-2023), the pages of the "Orthodoxia" journal hosted articles by prestigious Romanian theologians, such as Rev. D. Stăniloae, Prof. I. G. Coman, Rev. D. Fecioru, Prof. Teodor M. Popescu, Rev. N. Chițescu, Rev. Petre Vintilescu, Rev. I. Rămureanu, Deacon Prof. Nicolae Balcă, Rev. Mircea Chialda, Rev. Ion Bria, Prof. Atanasie Negoiță, Rev. Ene Braniște, Rev. Milan Șesan, Rev. Valeriu Prelipcean, Rev. Liviu Stan, Prof. Alexandru Elian, Prof. Constantin Pavel, Archdeacon Prof. Orest Bucevschi, Rev. Ștefan Alexe, Rev. Gheorghe Drăgulin, Rev. Ioan Ică, Anca Manolache, Rev. Dumitru Popescu, Archdeacon Prof. Ioan Caraza, clergymen from parishes and other distinguished authors.
In 2009, the 60th anniversary of the first issue was celebrated by the launch of a new series of "Orthodoxia" journal. His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, directly involved in this renewing work of the publication, wrote: „The Romanian Orthodox Church is called - through the perspective of its apostolic and everlasting mission - to give an adequate answer to the challenges of the more and more secularized society, to contribute to an authentic Orthodox testimony in the contemporary world and to deepen relationships with other Orthodox Churches. As for the new series, it carries on the established columns of the journal, but complements them with new ones, aiming at a creative recovery of the patristic sources, but also at a synchronization with today's Orthodox theology" ("«Ortodoxia» journal - six decades of uninterrupted mission", in Ortodoxia, 1/2009, pp. 7-9).
Access to the entire list of contributions and scholarly articles published in this academic journal is assisted by two volumes, considered very useful in the research: Ortodoxia – Summary 1949-2017 (Drd. Nicușor Deciu, Ștefan Voronca) and Bibliography of the Ortodoxia journal - 1949-2018 (Pr. prof. dr. Al. Stănciulescu-Bârda, Cristian Stănciulescu-Bârda).