Author: Rev. Prof. Sorin Cosma (Caransebeș Faculty of Orthodox Theology)
Keywords: Marriage, indissolubility, forgiveness, repentance, adultery, divorce paper, divorce
Given the current context, dominated by secularism and desacralization, the biology-oriented morals have managed to promote the most hedonistic of human instincts, released from the control of the conscience, thus leading to an unprecedented proliferation of divorces, as well as the gradual dissolution of the traditional family. This makes the plea for saving marriage, family, and – consequently – ethnical identity necessary, by promoting the Christian teaching concerning the indissolubility of marriage. Thus, based on the Holy Scripture, the Apostolic tradition, the teachings of the Holy Fathers and canon law, the indissolubility of marriage is a part of the divine order of life, its main purpose being to ensure the unity of the family, the basic cell of society, meant to ensure procreation, the helpful communion of the spouses and a refuge from debauchery. Even if divorce was accepted – but just in the case of adultery -, the indissolubility of marriage remains a priority, and the family’s unity can be restored by the penance of the wrongdoer and the forgiveness of the other spouse. By presenting the mystery of marriage as the union between Christ and the Church, widowhood represents the preferred choice aft er the death of one of the spouses, although the Church accepts a second marriage in this case. The Church does not reject the second marriage due to the weaknesses of human nature, that „carries within itself the wounds of sin” but maintains serious reservations about the third marriage.
Pages: 85-98