“The mystagogy of prayer according to the vision of elder Joseph of Vatopedi”
“Interiority and contemplation in theological knowledge. The relevance of theological landmarks from the works of Saint Symeon the New Theologian and Saint Gregory Palamas in the context of the present technocratic rationality”
“The importance of the neurosurgeon’s faith in healing the cerebral pathologies”
“The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Made Righteous by the Glory of Christ’s Resurrection for the Gift of Service”
“The Importance of Prayer in the Spiritual Life of the Priest”
“The Indissolubility of Marriage and Divorce According to the Mission of the Church”
“The Role of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov during the Hesychast Renaissance of the 18th and 19th Centuries and his Connection with the Romanians”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“The national festive competition of church music «Praise the Lord!» – 14th edition, 2022 (I)”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Gregory of Nyssa – “About Faith in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to Simplicius tribune”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“The Psalms, the Hymns, and the Texts of the Old Testament and their use in Holy Monday and Tuesday”
Notes on books and journals
„Eusebiu de Cezareea, Istoria bisericească, traducere din limba greacă veche, studiu introductiv și note de pr. prof. Teodor Bodogae, ediție revizuită de prof. Tudor Teoteoi, în colecția „Părinți și Scriitori Bisericești”, serie nouă, vol. 20, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 560 pp.”
„Sfântul Epifanie de Salamina, Panarion, Împotriva tuturor ereziilor, Volumul I, Cartea I, traducere, prefață și note, de Dionisie Pârvuloiu, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă, București, 2021, 216 pp.”
„Diac. dr. Liviu Petcu, Martirii – Biruitori ai suferinței prin credință, Florilegiu patristic, Ed. Basilica, București, 2011, 199 pp.”
„Pr. prof. dr. George Remete, Leacuri contra evlaviei. Răspunsuri scurte la întrebări nesfârșite, Ed. Paideia, București, 2022, 224 pp.”
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