"The Role of the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist in the Father’s Redemptive Work through Christ"
"Our saviour Jesus Christ – healer of physical and spiritual sufferings"
"Baptism of the children in epigraphic evidences from the Roman-Byzantine Empire (IIIrd-VIIth centuries)"
"The Week of the Holy Passion: a time of spiritual and liturgical preparation for the Holy Easter"
"Cryogenics, the path towards immortality?"
Orthodoxy in dialogue
"The Life of St. Mary The Younger: An Unusual Example of Female Sanctity of The Middle Byzantine Period"
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Epiphanius of Salamis, "Against the so-called Cataphrygians or Montanists, or Tascodrugians, the twenty-eighth heresy, but the forty-eighth in a row"
Contemporary Orthodoxy
"The Wisdom of the Fathers: The Use of the Apophthegmata in the Correspondence of Barsanuphius and John of Gaza"
Notes on books and journals
„Daniele Cogoni – Anca Mariana Nechita, Viziunea ecumenică a Părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae. Aspecte existențiale, teologice și ecleziale (ediție bilingvă), Cittadella Editrice – Assisi, 2024, 356 pp.”
„Adrian Lemeni, Adevăr și demonstrație. De la incompletitudinea lui Gödel la vederea mai presus de orice înțelegere a Sfântului Grigorie Palama, Editura Basilica, București, 2019, 368 pp.”
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