"The heavenly vibrations of David’s psalter in the spirit and works of poet Ștefan Augustin Doinaș"
The preocupattion for Church Music – a liturgical, cultural and philanthropical project of Nifon (Niculescu), Bishop of Lower Danube (1860-1923)
"Guide to aging in Grace. The reality of christian care for the elderly, accordind to the Bible"
"Good Judgement - The Mother and Guardian of all Virtues"
"The role of religious education in the formation of the young generation"
„Dreptul canonic apusean în secolele XII–XV, între jus concilium și jus pontificium”
"Elements of the orthodox teaching on man and the cosmos from the gnostic controversy. The bases of the connection between man and the world from a christological and triadological point of view"
Orthodoxy in dialogue
"Anthim the Iberian, Mihail Eminescu and «The Burning Bush». Fiery Witnesses of Truth in the Romanian Culture"
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Jerome - "Epistle CXXII to Rusticus, on repentance"
Contemporary Orthodoxy
"Illustrating melodies: Iconographical Instructions in Byzantine Music Theory and Practice"
Notes on books and journals
„Pr. Prof. Dumitru Stăniloae, Teologia Ascetică și Mistică Ortodoxă, Ed. Basilica, București, 2019, 560 pp.”
„Ghiorghi Gaprindaşvili, Istoria Georgiei din cele mai vechi timpuri până în secolul al XXI-lea, Editura Omnium, București, 2022, 208 pp.”
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