“Aspects of prayer in the philokalic tradition”
“Christ the Saviour, the strong fortress promised to Abraham and proven true at the Resurrection of the Lord”
“The mystery of the deification of man in the teachings of Saint Symeon the New Theologian”
“The late Romanian hesychasm and the Sinaitic spirituality. The patristic horizon of the Elder Basil of Poiana Mărului († 25 April 1767) (I)”
“An unpublished holograph note by Hieromonk Anthim the Iberian (1699)”
“The forms of asceticism assumed by Saint John Chrysostom”
“The Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cernăuți: a short itinerary”
“Philanthropy according to Saint Basil the Great. His life, social and philanthropical activity and his theological work”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“Revelation, faith, and education in Clement of Alexandria’s Paedagogus”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Gregory of Nyssa – “Letter to Monk Filip, on the Objections of the Arians”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“The need for counsel: Spiritual guidance seen as a School of Christianity in the correspondence of Saint Barsanuphius with John of Gaza”
Notes on books and journals
„Preot Petre Vintilescu, Preotul în fața chemării sale de păstor al sufletelor, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 198 pp.”
„Damian Anfile, Nicoleta-Liliana Dinu, dr. Ionuț-Daniel Barbu, Cimitirul Șerban Vodă Bellu din capitală – Mormintele clericilor și ale altor personalități bisericești și naționale, Ed. Basilica, București, 2022, 480 pp.”
„George-Mugurel Voinea, Ali-Izi Bucur, Dumitru Rusănescu, Biserica veche din Moldoveni cu hramul „Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul și Sfântul Nicolae”. Un monument de cult, cultură și istorie, Ed. Contrast, București, 2022, 156 pp.”
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