“The Hierarchy of the Gifts and the Steps of Prayer”
“The Orthodox Hesychast Exegesis of Professor Ioan Cornoiu and the Western Scholastic Exegesis at the Beginning of the 20th Century”
“Saint Vasile of Poiana Mărului: The Role of Jesus Prayer in the Life of the Christians”
“The Cappadocian Fathers – The Christian Aristocracy of 4th Century Cappadocia”
“The Holy Apostles, Continuators of the Saviour, Examples of Spiritual Shepherds and their Pastoral Means”
“The Teachings on the Mother of God in the Writings of the Holy Fathers Andrew of Crete and John of Damascus”
“Christian Philanthropy: General Considerations, Biblical Basis and Historical Frame”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“An Etymological Discussion on Church Terms and other Romanian Words of Slavic and Russian Origin”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Gregory of Nyssa – “Letter XXIV to heretic Heracleianus”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“The Last Temptation of Satan: Divine Deception in Greek Patristic Interpretations in the Passion Narrative”
Notes on books and journals
„Arhimandrit Petros Vryzas, Taina cuvântului în teologia Sfântului Sofronie, traducere din limba greacă de Monahia Tecla și Monahia Porfiria, Ed. Basilica, București, 2021, 248 pp.”
„Răzvan Bucuroiu, Cu Hristos în lumina reflectoarelor – editoriale televizate, Ed. Basilica, București, 2022, 144 pp.”
„Preot Nicolae Dascălu, Printre păsări și crini – Cugetări creștine dintr-un veac grăbit, Ed. Trinitas, București, 2022, 328 pp.”
Adrian Lemeni, Tehnicizarea inumană a vieții, Ed. Basilica, București, 2022, 584 pp.”
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