Keywords: Christianity, ancient culture, system of education, paideia, educatio, discipline, trivium, quadrivium, pagan education, Christian education
The concept of education comes from educatio and paideia, which terms shows us the multitude of meanings that these terms received over the time. However, the original meaning of education is mostly the same in these days. The cultural success of Rome is in part the effect of Hellenistic influence. Romans took the system of education from Greeks and improved it in their own style, just like the Byzantines did. In this way, they kept alive the classical literature for centuries. The relationship between Christianity and the ancient culture was an intimate one, based on adaptation and synchrony on the one hand, and on rejection and distancing from everything that contravened the evangelical principles on the other hand. Hence, the so-called Christian education was born. It was vigilant, discreet and lucid at the same time, and chose its way with discernment by creating its own synthesis from secular education.
Pages: 102-122