Authors: Prof. Univ. Adrian Restian (UMF „Carol Davila” București), Prof. Univ. Leon Zăgrean (UMF „Carol Davila” București), Drd. Cezar Ivan Coliță (Școala Doctorală „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul” a Universității din București)
Keywords: prefrontal cortex, brain, conscience, soul, stoicism, patristics, transcendence, God
The present study starts from the proof that many of the religious experiences can be confirmed by the existence of a cognitive, emotional and physiological correspondent manifested at neurobiological level. Thus, this article aims to explore the inner universe of man, which still remains a mystery for the analysis of empirical research. By this inner universe we understand both the soul, with all its components and soul powers, and also the spiritual purpose of man. The spiritual dimension of life starts from the level of a soul instance that we can define both as natural and as supernatural, namely the existence of consciousness that outlines for each person the axiological dimension of his life. In addition to the delimitation and analysis of conscience in relation to consciousness, this presentation proposes a deeper understanding of the inner man insofar as scientific results use, for a complementary approach, the writings of classical philosophy and especially the treasure of patristic works. Only in this way the empirical knowledge can truly serve to a genuine cultivation of the spirit.
Pages: 118-139