“The Care for the Dead in the Orthodox Worship and Spirituality”
“The Cemetery: A Place of Reflection and Holiness at the Shelter of the Holy Cross”
“The Administration of The Mystery of The Holy Communion in The Ecclesiastical Dwelling, Beginning with The Early Church Until Present – Historical Landmarks”
“A Sermon delivered at the Festival of the Patron Saint of the Orthodox Theological Seminary of Bucharest – Saint Gregory the Theologian”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“Guardian Angel of the Eternal City: A Critical Analysis of the Angelophany Occured on Moles Hadriani”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint John Chrysostom – “Sixth Homily on the Acts of the Apostles”
In memoriam
“Spiritual Corruption”
“The Life and Works of Father Sophian Boghiu in the Memory of His Spiritual Sons”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“Orthodox Survival Course”
Notes on books and journals
„Preot dr. Mihai Iordache, Familia creștină și educația copiilor – Izvoare patristice, morale și provocări actuale, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 207 pp.”
„Arhimandrit Nectarie Șofelea, Neofit Cretanul, mitropolitul Țării Românești, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 270 pp.”
„Lumina teologică a colindelor românești (volum colectiv), Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 338 pp.”
„Γεώργιος Μαντζαρίδης, Ησυχίας καρποί, Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου, 2017, 174 σ.”
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