Author: Rev. prof. Constantin Galeriu (Theological Institute of Bucharest)
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Gospels, redemption, law, Grace, communion
The teaching about the Christ’s saving work, reflected in the Gospels and in the theology of the Holy Fathers should not be something to grasp first from the dogmatic or biblical treatises, written by “great” scholars, but, as was the case with the early years of the Church, from the preaching, which takes either the form of apologies, advice, intellectual fights and so on. Father Constantin Galeriu is a brilliant example of a scholar who focused less on writing studies in order to be well-rated or to make an academic career, but rather relied on the power and grace of God as seen in the Gospels and Holy Fathers’ writings. Thus, his article has no chapter, it flows like an Apostolic epistle, though is very well organized; has a strong poetic element infused through the lines; the only thing that is lacking are the rhymes; also passing through the classical comparisons between the Law and Grace, augmented with Holy Fathers exegesis, he does not limit to list some characteristics based on citations, but, in order to express the mysteries of salvation, he is using paradoxical statements, then passing rapidly to logic, entrusting us with the fact that the Dogmatic teachings in general, or the Church Christology specifically, has both a coherent logic, easily graspable, and a mysterious aspect that requires our faith, or freedom of thought, which only thus can bring us into the realm of love.
(Republished from Ortodoxia XXXV (1983), issue 1, pp. 34-60)
Pages: 49-79