“The Son and the Word of God, through Whom All Were Created and Are Recreated”
“The Presence of Our Savior Christ in the New Creation according to the Teaching of the Holy Fathers”
“Lord Jesus Christ – Our Supreme Teacher”
“Jesus Christ – God and Deifier (Epitomizing Everything in Himself)”
“Jesus Christ – The Lover of Man (Filanthropos)”
“The Incarnation of the Lord and the Victory of the Light of Holy Trinity against the Devil. Patristic Landmarks in the Exegesis of Saint John Chrysostom”
“The Origin of The Wisemen and the Symbolic Significance of The Gifts They Offered to the Infant Jesus”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“The Long Road of Science to the Faith in God”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint Augustine — “Sermons 187 and 188 on the Nativity of Our Lord”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“Observations on the Christological Exegesis of the Theophanies in the Byzantine Hymnography”
Notes on books and journals
„Preot Petre Vintilescu, Preotul în fața chemării sale de păstor al sufletelor, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 198 pp.”
„Daniela Șontică, Chipuri din satul românesc, Ed. Trinitas, 2020, 330 pp.”
„Paul Siladi, Singurătatea îmblânzită. Reflecții citadine despre Părinții pustiei, Ed. Trinitas, București, 2020, 360 pp.”
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