“Orthodoxy and Romanian Spirituality”
“The Missionary Orthodoxy”
“The Holy Eucharist – The Perfect Union between Christ and Us and the Witness of His Supreme Love to Us”
“The Eucharistic Practice and the Bread Used in the Eucharist”
“The Moral Authority of the Priest as a Source and Basis of the Priestly Dignity. Priest – and Active Warrior against the Ethical Evil”
“Catechesis Two: «God» – «Has Made» – «Heaven and Earth»”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“National and Church History in the Time of the Revolution of 1821 – A Less Known Document”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint John Chrysostom – “Fourth Homily on the Acts of the Apostles”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“On the Theological Function of Byzantine Hymnography: An Analysis of the Liturgical Poetry of St. John Damascene in Relation to His Broader Theological Oeuvre”
Notes on books and journals
„Despre rugăciunea inimii, texte filocalice, maxime, cugetări, traduceri și note de Pr. acad. Dumitru Stăniloae, Ed. Trinitas, București, 2019, 400 pp.”
„Preot Adrian Agachi, Medicamente împotriva patimilor. Sfaturi patristice, Ed. Trinitas, București, 2019, 230 pp.”
„Pr. Mihail Bulacu, Educatori creștini ai neamului românesc, Ed. Basilica, București, 2020, 208 pp.”
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