Keywords: ivilization, village, peasantry, archetypes, spirituality, identity, nations
Nowadays, when evidence becomes even more secrets or taboos, symptomatically, it is necessary to strengthen this evidence – the village, in our case, understood as archetype of people’s material and ethnospiritual existence. According to the Romanian Ethnology, the village is a fully realized civilizational unity. The reevaluation of this evidence in the light of Sociology is all the more so as the rows of those living in cities are more and more numerous; but despite of their number, they failed realize fully this civilizational unity, and worse than that, turned against their archetypes. The contribution of Sociology (and, of course, other Sciences) in the understanding of these archetypes, embodied in the rural space, and of the urban failures is an essential one, a fact which this article (in fact, a paper presented on Congress organized for this theme) tries to prove. Its chapters are as follows: The archetypal. The village nomos. The exigency of threefold condition. The learned village and its creative powers. The foundation of the threefold condition: the pauline anthropology. The village in the mirror of the celestial order. The village from the idea and the historic village. The people of the earth – witnesses of the mystical work of God: from Adam to Simon of Cyrene. The village and the living culture. The village as depositum custodi of nations. From the village to state. The village armies and the birth of the new Europe. The village epistolary of the Great War. The village and the therapy of the weary conscience. Conclusions.
Pages: 20-39