Author: Rev. prof. Alexander Treiger (Dalhousie University)
Keywords: Patristics, Arab Christianity, manuscripts, saints’ lives, St. Eustratius of Mar Saba, miracles
The purpose of the present article—the second instalment in the “Unpublished Texts from the Arab Orthodox Tradition” series—is to make accessible a hitherto neglected document from the Orthodox Christian tradition in Arabic: a brief account of the miracles of a little-known saint, St. Eustratius of Mar Saba (first half of the ninth century), a disciple of the famous St. Stephen of Mar Saba (d. 31 March 794AD). For the first instalment of the series, see Treiger 2014 (cf. review by Panchenko 2014). An entry on the first of the two texts covered by the first instalment—On the Origins of the Term “Melkite” (re-titled: A Narrative about Sophronius of Jerusalem, ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, and the Term “Melkite”)— is forthcoming in Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History (it reports the discovery of a second manuscript of this text—Damascus, Rūm Orthodox Patriarchate 290 [year 1669], No. 4 [truncated at the end]).
(English translation by Ștefan Voronca)
Pages: 128-136