Author: Rev. prof. Dumitru Stăniloae (Member of the Romanian Academy)
Keywords: Romania, Christianity, Orthodoxy, Occident, Orient, bridge, authenticity, Tradition
Unquestionably, the present article of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae can be thought of as a small sum of his dogmatic thinking, though not simply, but in the way in which this is reflected in all the “chapters” of the Christian Spirituality, as essential for a proper understanding of dogmas. The article presents itself more like an essay by which he displays the elements that form the Christian’s condition in this Romanian part of the world, that the historic, national, ethnographic, geographic, political, moral elements, and so on, and how, mysteriously, at the basis of this condition lies the theology of Holy Trinity, or that of the early authentic Christianity.
(Republished from Teologie și viață, New Series, I (LVII – 1991), issue 4-8, pp. 15-27)
Pages: 16-30