Keywords: prayers for the departed, liturgical structures, liturgical manuscripts, funeral practices, monastic Typikon, Grottaferrata
Unfortunately, as far as it concerns the structure of the “Small Lity for the departed”, our cult books, both the first editions that mention it (such as Panihida), and the current editions, don’t indicate anything about its origin; most likely its practice has been taken from the Great Typikon of Saint Sava, from the 11th chapter. Whether my hypothesis regarding the origin of the “Small Lity for the departed” is correct, future studies will demonstrate, even if the stunning similarity between the two church service structures (the one from the Memorial Service and the one from the Great Typikon) seems to confirm my belief. “The ritual for the departed”, an innovative structure of the so-called “Small Lity for the departed” (other than the one that appears in our cult books) is definitely a very interesting worship practice, with troparions “borrowed” from the practices carried out at “The priests, deacons and monks’ funeral service”, elements that, in my opinion, confirm an original liturgical structure, drawn up in a primary form. Unfortunately, the specialists did not write too many things about this service; among those few things we know, from its registration in the cult books edited for the Abbey of Grottaferrata, a monastery that conserves the Constantinople cult practices, there is the particularity that denotes, among others, the Constantinople origin of the practice.
Pages: 82-91