“The Unity of a Nation as an Ecclesial Phenomenon. The Great Union as a Spiritual Phenomenon”
“The Confession of the Unity of Faith in the Context of its Possible Detour Due to Various Ideologies”
“The Dogmas of Faith Reflected in the Unity of the Romanian Church and Nation in the First Half of the 20th Century”
“God loves everyone ‘with the same love He has for the entire world’. Incursio patristica”
“Cultural, National and Ecclesiastical Significances of the Romanian Skete Prodromos at Mount Athos, in the Context of the «National Renaissance» in Balkans (1870-1890)”
“The Romanian Typographic Artwork and its Contribution to Supporting Orthodoxy from Everywhere. The Bucharest Printing Press, from the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“The Issue of Homosexuality and the Contemporary Morals”
Orthodoxia patristica
Saint John Chrysostom – “Homily 61 on the Gospel of Saint John”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“Byzantine Prayer Books as Sources for Social History and Daily Life”
Notes on books and journals
„Lidia Stăniloae, La bursa adevărului, Ed. Trinitas, București, ediția a II -a, 2017, 384 pp.”
„Lidia Stăniloae, Întâlnire cu Dumnezeu, Ed. Trinitas, București, 2017, 304 pp.”
„Preot Constantin Pârvu, Patriarhul Justinian, Mărturii, fapte și adevăr, Ed. Basilica, București, ediția a II -a, 2017, 325 pp.”
„Penticostarul paisian, Editura Sophia, București, 2018, 658 pp.”
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