“The Liturgy and the Religious Unity of the Romanian Nation”
“Romanian Law, the Christian Faith and Love for one’s Nation”
“Some Further Greek Manuscript Witnesses Supporting Galen’s Affiliation to the gens Claudia: A Preliminary Report on Fieldwork”
“Revelations of Divine Love in the New Testament: ἀγάπη (agape) and σπλάγχνον (splágchnon)”
“The Relations Between Govora Monastery and the Spiritual Movement The Burning Bush from Anthim Monastery”
„Portative în piatră. Sculptura ansamblului compozițional de la mănăstirea «Sfinții Trei Ierarhi» din Iași”
Orthodoxy in dialogue
“The Geocentric (Ptolemaic) Conception about the Universe and its Re-evaluation during the Renaissance and Modern Era”
Orthodoxia patristica
Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur – „Omilia 64 la Evanghelia după Ioan”
Contemporary Orthodoxy
“Secret Prayers of the Holy Liturgy”
Notes on books and journals
„Pr. prof. dr. Nicolae Chifăr, Icoană, iconologie, iconomahie, Ed. Basilica, București, 2018, 320 pp.”
„Vasile Militaru, Poezii, Ed. Basilica, Bucureşti, 2017, 304 pp.”
„Pr. Constantin Nazarie, Activitatea preoților de armată în campania 1916-1918, Ed. Basilica, București, 2018, 240 pp.”
„Nicolae Dură, Piotr Kroczek, Cătălina Mititelu, Marriage from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox points of view, Tomasz Sekunda Scriptum, Cracovia, Polonia, 2017, 300 pp.”
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